Licence Please: Driving in #CitiesSkylines



In the last post the walk-through photos showed rain had started falling. Well by the time of this post “Flood Warnings” were issued for the first time by Chirper for Layton City. Oddly though while the flood beacons did light up the pumps never activated as the detention basins were able to handle the run off. Most likely the rain was steady for a few hours before hand before the final spike meaning the basins were able to handle it unlike the last flood that did trigger all the pumps.



Hand Over Your Licence Please

I downloaded a new mod today that allows you to take control of vehicles whether it be on the road, on rails, on the sea or in the air much like the old Streets of Sim City (minus the weapons packages).

The mod is still in pre-Alpha stage but the basics of getting a vehicle and controlling it through your city is there. Just make sure you turn the acceleration controls down unless you want to do an Enterprise jumping to Warp 9. Also turn down the turning sensitivity as well unless you want to be doing Tokyo Drift (while collecting parked cars).

Once you have mastered the controls (I pick the station wagon for a general balance) driving through your City with the Rush Hour mod also enabled is quite a fascinating experience.


The Streets of Layton City

I started at the West Connector and travelled down two of the four main north-south roads (so not on the motorways outside of the connector) that form the spines of Layton City. This is what it showed:

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Note the clock in the bottom left corner. The driving session progressed from later afternoon to about midnight mid-week.

The tourist and leisure districts were humming along even on a week-night indicating I have a 24-7 City (with 24-7 transit to boot).


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